Seven file to serve on City Commission

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Seven candidates filed before the noon deadline on Monday to fill three Atchison City Commission seats that will be open at the end of 2019.

Commissioners David Hausmann and Charlie Perdue each filed for re-election, with five joining them on the November 5 ballot.

Former City Commissioner Bill Murphy was one of the five challengers, along with Abby Bartlett, J. David Farris, Luke Jesnowski, and Lisa Moody. Bartlett is a current member of the Atchison Parks and Forestry Board, Jesnowski is a member of the Atchison Airport Advisory Board and Farris is the former City Attorney. Moody is a member of the inaugural Atchison Citizen’s Academy class.

The seven candidates will vie for three open seats, with current City Commissioner David Butler not seeking re-election. Atchison has a five-seat commission, with three seats open every two years. The two candidates with the highest vote totals in November’s election will serve four-year terms, with the third-most supported earning a two-year term.

For more information contact Joe Warren at (913) 367-5500, or