REDO Atchison is a program initiative created to restore and preserve the historic value of Atchison’s housing stock, as well as to connect interested individuals with the best property for their needs. The program tackles the four main issues when it comes to housing development—rehabilitation, enforcement, demolition, and occupancy.


  • It is less expensive to rehab than to purchase a home outright or build new, which is why the City of Atchison has created the Land Bank Program. The Land Bank Rehab Program exist to connect current residents or commuters with key properties at all income levels best suited for redevelopment.
  • The City, County, and USD 409 have all collaborated to offer a robust property tax rebate program known as Neighborhood Revitalization. In the oldest parts of Atchison, the Neighborhood Revitalization Program offers property tax rebates that total 95% for the first 10 years, and then 80%, 70%, 60%, 40% and 20% in years 11-15 on the improved value to a property for qualifying projects.


  • The City of Atchison offers an extensive range of services in its Housing Code Enforcement program. It is the City’s mission to ensure that the community is strengthened by proper living conditions, including Housing Maintenance for exterior problems, Yard Maintenance for tree and lawn related issues, and Nuisance Enforcement for vehicles and junk otherwise preventing the proper use of property.
  • Also important with proper enforcement is to provide help to those who may otherwise be unable to properly care for their home. If you have code enforcement issues but can’t afford to make the necessary upgrades to your home, please call the Community Development Office at (913) 367-5560.


  • While the City of Atchison does not demolish homes without good reason, demolition is a tool the City reserves for cleaning up districts that would otherwise go on in a blighted state. Explore the Demolition Cost Share program for information about how the City can assist property owners with the costs associated with removing structures that are blighted and create a safety hazard.


  • Successful housing development means providing the best housing options for the greatest number of people. To this end, the City has compiled a Vacancy List of the homes available today for redevelopment.