The City of Atchison is inviting mowing contractors to bid for mowing City lots and private abatements for this season. Please review the following carefully before submitting your bid. If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Hansen, Code Enforcement Officer, at (913) 360-0988.
1. The Contractor shall have sufficient and reliable equipment, adequate employees, and the organizational ability to mow each City-owned property every 10 days unless directed otherwise by City staff. Failure to do so will result in a $10.00/day fine against the contractor until the work is completed to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer. In the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances the Code Enforcement Officer may grant a variance of time.
2. The contractors shall carry liability insurance to cover the work performed within the City of Atchison.
3. Mowing shall be done neatly, including trimming along or around sidewalks, curbs, fence lines, and trees; and removing trimmings from the street, alley and/or sidewalk as necessary. Trash and limbs must be removed rather than mown over or around.
4. The Contractor shall be able to start jobs within a 24-hour notice.
5. The Contractor shall be able to handle a large quantity of jobs at the same time.
6. The Contractor and employees shall conduct themselves in a professional manner while engaged in City of Atchison business.
7. The Contractor shall be able to take photos of work performed for the City with photo information retained to provide documentation for the City upon request.
8. All sites shall be approved and cleared for payment by the Code Enforcement Officer and/or designated agent of the City of Atchison.
9. The Contractor will submit an invoice for payment within 48 hours after completion of the job.
10. Qualified bidders shall ensure that all personally owned property within Atchison City limits is compliant with Atchison City Code at all times.
This mowing contract includes City-owned lots, which must be mowed regularly, and private lots that will be abated (mowed) periodically upon City direction.
City-owned lots. There are currently 35 City lots (see accompanying 2021 Mow List for Bids). Your bid should be a total dollar figure for each mowing of all these lots.
EXAMPLE: 35 lots each 10 days = $350.00
Privately-owned lots. These will vary week to week based on need. In 2020, 506 lawns were sent by the City to the contractor for mowing. Your bid price must represent the mowing price per square foot. EXAMPLE: Using 6,000 sq. ft. (average lot size) $15.00 per cut / 6,000 sf = $0.0025 per sq. ft.
The City of Atchison will receive sealed bids until 10:00 a.m., Friday, February 5, 2021 at the Community Development Office. The Bid form at the end of this document must be completed. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Each Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Community Development Office, 515 Kansas Avenue, Atchison, Kansas 66002. Each sealed envelope containing a Bid shall be clearly marked on the outside as BID FOR CITY CONTRACT MOWING SERVICES 2021, and the envelope shall bear on the outside the bidder’s name, and address.
The existing directive from the Commissioners (2016) is as follows:
Upon mutual agreement of both parties, the contract may be extended at the proposed rates for one (1) year not to exceed three (3) consecutive years. The selected contractor shall indicate to the City of Atchison prior to November 1st of the current contract year its willingness to continue the proposed rate for the following contract year.