Rainbow Communications to begin fiber construction in Atchison

 In Business News, Featured News, General News, News

The City of Atchison met with Rainbow Communications, Evergy, and North Central Service (contractor) on February 2, 2021 for a pre-construction meeting. During the meeting, the final details of the Rainbow Communications fiber expansion to the city of Atchison were discussed. Construction for phase one of the project is set to start on Monday, February 8, 2021.

Phase one of the fiber expansion consists of a route to Amberwell Health (formerly Atchison Hospital), a route to Benedictine College, a route to the Amelia Earhart Airport, and the Downtown business district. More information about Rainbow Communication’s expansion into Atchison can be found on their website, fiber.rainbowtel.net.

North Central Service expects to have up to four crews working on the project in various locations throughout Atchison over the next several months. Some of the work requires burying fiber optic cable underground with directional drilling, while other portions of the work require aerial attachment to existing utility poles.

During construction there may be intermittent disruptions to the City’s solid waste and recycling collection service, specifically when the contractor is working in narrow alleys. The City asks that in the event of missed collections, residents just leave their trash and/or recycling at the collection point until the City can gain access, which will likely be the next day. Missed trash and/or recycling collections can be reported to the City Shop at 913-367-5561.

As with any construction project in the public right of way, the City asks that motorists use caution when they see stopped work vehicles or traffic control devices to ensure worker safety.