City Seeks Commercial Rehab Partners For Grant Opportunity

 In Business News, Featured News, News

This post was originally published on Grow Atchison

Do you have a commercial building downtown that needs some TLC? Have you ever dreaded the decay of a historical commercial landmark but lacked the funds to bring it back to glory? The City of Atchison could be a willing partner for grant funds to help you accomplish your dreams.

In a continued effort to sponsor opportunities for downtown redevelopment, the City of Atchison is seeking private property owners eligible to receive Community Development Block Grant funds for the 2022-2023 Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation Program. Grants are capped at $250,000 and the program requires a 25% cash match from the property owner to receive the grant.

The purpose of the Commercial Rehabilitation grant is two-fold: to help building owners renovate downtown commercial buildings for the benefit of an existing or new business; and to address slum and blight conditions. The City is limited to submitting a single grant application on behalf of one key building in the designated downtown district.

Qualifying improvements to be considered for funding include: improvement of the exterior of building, asbestos abatement, lead based paint evaluation and reduction, and the correction of code violations. If the building is of historic importance, improvements must also be in compliance with historic preservation standards of the Kansas Historical Society.

In order to take full advantage of the CDBG Program, applicants must be prepared to include a building plan for how the property will be used in its renovated state, a verified cost estimate by a licensed architect, and a completed Environmental Review after application submittal.

Interested parties should contact Justin Pregont with Pomeroy Development ( as soon as possible to begin the vetting and application process. Potential projects that have not made contact with the City of Atchison or their representative by August 1, 2022 will not be considered for this round of funding.

The post City Seeks Commercial Rehab Partners For Grant Opportunity appeared first on Locally Atchison Main Street.