Public Forum Info
The Public Forum is a dedicated time during the City Commission meetings when members of the public can address the Commission on any non-agenda topic relevant to City government, its policies, operations, or services.
If you’d like to speak, you must be present when the Mayor opens the public forum. Meetings convene at 4:30 pm and the first public forum is immediately after that. There’s another public forum at the end of the meeting, but ending times vary from meeting to meeting. Wait to be recognized before you approach the podium.
At the podium, introduce yourself and state your address for the record. Keep your comments focused and limited to five minutes. If you have documents to share with the Governing Body, please hand them to the City Clerk, seated to your left.
What To Expect
As a valued resident or community stakeholder, you can expect an attentive audience to your comments. Governing Body members may ask questions to clarify your statements, but generally Governing Body members will refrain from any further discussion.
Why? The City Commission meeting is designed for the Governing Body to discuss and make decisions on business items. By law, it is the only place and time the Commission has to make policy and business decisions. While the Public Forum is an important part of the Commission meeting, it is only one part and it’s not intended to be a time of discussion or debate.
In some cases, the Governing Body will direct staff to get in touch with you to resolve the issue or get your questions answered. Otherwise, the Governing Body will take your comments under advisement.
As you step away from the podium, know that the Governing Body appreciates your willingness to engage in issues that affect your community. More questions? Contact the City Clerk at 913-367-5506.
Public Forum No-nos
- The Public Forum is not a venue for introducing or endorsing candidates for public office.
- The Public Forum is not a venue for degrading or defamatory comments directed at or concerning a person, business, or organization.
- Anyone who abuses the Public Forum may be directed to stop his/her presentation and leave the podium.
- The Public Forum is not for addressing agenda items – there is time for public response allotted during the consideration of each agenda item.
The complete Code of Procedure for the city is found here.