Boil Advisory Rescinded for City of Atchison, Remains in Effect for Rural Districts
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has rescinded a boil water advisory for the City of Atchison. The advisory was issued
because of high turbidity. High turbidity may result in a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination. Laboratory testing samples collected from the City of Atchison indicate no evidence of contamination and all other conditions that placed the system at risk of contamination are deemed by KDHE officials to be resolved.
The boil water advisory is still in effect for the purchasing water systems below:
Atchison Co Rural Water District 1
Atchison Co Rural Water District 6
Atchison Co Rural Water District 3
City of Lancaster
Atchison Co Rural Water District 5C
Doniphan Co Rural Water District 3