E-Community Program Awards Loan Funds to Steel Window/Door Manufacturer
Atchison, KS – The City of Atchison’s E-Community Program has approved a new loan to Luxe Steel Windows & Doors, LLC, a startup window and door manufacturer that recently purchased the old “Free Country” property at 522 Woodlawn. Luxe Steel Windows & Doors specializes in manufacturing premium, “thermally broken” window and door products, which prevent conductive thermal energy loss. The $75,000 in loan proceeds will help finance a renovation of the industrial space and the purchase of manufacturing equipment. Additional financing for the project was provided by Bank of Atchison. Luxe Steel Windows & Doors, LLC is owned by Matt Clements and Marty Clements.
Since January of 2017, the Atchison E-Community Program has been offering loans for small business startups, expansions, and acquisitions. Everyday businesses like restaurants, cleaning services, small manufacturers, daycare facilities, construction companies, retail stores, etc… can use this locally controlled, revolving loan fund as gap financing to make their small business dreams come true.
The funding for the E-Community Program is created through the sale of entrepreneurship tax credits, which are allocated to NetWork Kansas by the Kansas State Legislature.
To learn more about the E-Community Program, contact Justin Pregont with the City of Atchison at justinp@cityofatchison.com or 913-367-5500.
Photo: Matt Clements (left) of Luxe Steel Windows & Doors and Justin Pregont (right), Assistant City Manager.