City Commission Meeting Highlights 9.16.2019
There were a number of items discussed and acted upon during Monday’s Atchison City Commission meeting, including the authorization of the 2020 Street Improvement Project. With the authorization, the project will actually begin this fall, as concrete work starts in preparation for the bigger mill and overlay activity that should begin in the spring. The project will be funded through General Obligation bonds, but that debt issuance won’t occur until 2020.
Commissioners also approved a conditional addition to the scope of work in the 2nd St. sidewalk project, which would extend the sidewalk on the east side of 2nd Street between Santa Fe and Commercial streets. The condition of approval was if there is enough room in the previously approved project budget (including change order authority), which is in the process of wrapping up on the administrative side, to complete the $51,637 bid for that stretch of work. The work would include brick pavers for the section in the Amelia Earhart Historic District, with a smaller portion of concrete work to complete the stretch.
The Commissioners approved a Main Street Access Improvement Project, which is entirely funded by KDOT (aside from some City staff handled engineering and inspection work). The project will improve curbs, sidewalks and access points along Main Street from 10th Street to 12th Street.
Commissioners appointed Debbie Betts to serve a three-year term on the Planning Commission and tabled until the next meeting an application by Abigail Perdue also to serve on the Planning Commission. The discussion behind that tabling was that Perdue’s application had been received after the commission meeting packet went out and commissioners appeared to want to allow a fair process for any other potential applicants.
Demolition hearings were set for the November 4th commission meeting for structures at 105 South 15th St., 829 Mound St., and 1637 Parallel St.
Commissioners also authorized a replacement Police Department vehicle after a recent traffic accident resulted in the totaling of one of the department’s patrol vehicles. They also adopted the Kansas Homeland Security Region K Hazard Mitigation Plan, and approved application for a KDOT Aviation Grant that would allow funds for an apron expansion project if the City were successful.
After the meeting there were two workshops, one discussing the intersection of 2nd Street and Commercial Street and the other providing feedback on proposed Transportation Alternative Grant application strategies.
For more information contact Director of Administrative Services Joe Warren at (913) 367-5500 or