2016 Stormwater Projects
Summary: The City of Atchison has over 100 linear miles of sewer and/or stormwater lines in the ground. Some of those lines are over 100 years old and in surprisingly good shape, while others are chronically undersized and plugged. This annual program is set aside to address ongoing stormwater issues, including maintenance work, repairs, or replacement of inlets, pipes, ditch lines, curb, etc…
Cost: To preserve the integrity of the bidding process, we avoid publishing detailed estimates prior to the bidding process.
Funding: This project will be entirely funded by the City of Atchison Wastewater CSO CIP. This project is budgeted annually at $100,000.
Location: Various, although the largest project in the 2016 program the replacement of multiple stormwater structures in the vicinity of 2nd & Laramie.
Contractor: Pruett Construction, S&R Betts Construction, Martin Construction, etc…
Status: Construction
Construction Start Date: 2016
Completion Date: 2017
- Pruett Construction working on the stormwater project at 2nd & Laramie
- New stormwater inlets at 2nd & Laramie
- A new stormwater pipe at 2nd & Laramie
- Main & Woodlawn Traffic Island
- Green Street (near MH-MA)

A new storm inlet and adjacent sidewalk repairs on 10th Street near Taco John’s
- Curbs being poured at 294th & Westridge
- The intersection being poured at 294th & Westridge

Finished drainage project at 294th & Westridge