City Finances Get Clean Audit

 In Featured News, General News, News

City Commissioners unanimously approved the 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and audit during Monday’s regular meeting. The Topeka firm of Berberich, Trahan & Co. conducted the audit, and their findings were presented to the commissioners Monday. The firm gave the city financial policies and procedures an unmodified opinion, which is the best report a city can earn and reflects a financial clean bill of health.

The City of Atchison has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association for the past 24 consecutive years and there is nothing to suggest that the City will not win it again for the 2020 Annual Report.

In other action Commissioners adopted an ordinance that sets policy for mobile food vendors, opening the door to potential food trucks in Atchison in the future. Commissioners also approved receipt of a donation that could lead to the construction of a wounded veteran’s monument at Veterans Memorial Park on the Riverfront.

Commissioners also voted to remove the prohibition of operating motor vehicles and other wheeled apparatus in the 500-600 blocks of Commercial Street. The prohibition existed due to the pedestrian mall that has been removed as part of the Commercial Street Revitalization Project that is scheduled for completion in July.

Following the meeting Commissioners also participated in workshops regarding the CSO Long Term Control Plan and an existing resolution that outlines funding that the City gives Atchison County to help cover expenses for Solid Waste and Joint Communications.

The next regular city commission meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 21 in the commission room.