City Commissioners outlined the process for filling the current opening on the City Commission during Monday’s regular meeting. Interim City Manager Justin Pregont explained that according to city code, the Commissioners have 30 days from the creation of an opening to fill the seat. Vice-Mayor J. David Farris died unexpectedly on Sunday, Jan. 23. That gives the Commission until Feb. 22 to fill the vacancy.
By city ordinance, those interested in filling that seat must submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk by noon on Thursday, Feb. 17 to be considered. During the meeting, City Attorney Bob Campbell will read off the names of those who expressed interest in filling the seat, then the commissioners will vote by raise of hand on who the new commissioner will be. The ordinance states that Campbell gets to vote in the event of a tie.
In other business on Monday, commissioners levied special assessments on the newly constructed lots as part of the Arbor Lane extension in Brookdale Estates. Commissioners also authorized the sale of 15-year general obligation bonds to finance the construction of the infrastructure for the build out. The assessments are designed to repay the bonds.
Commissioners also authorized the placement of a two-way stop at the intersection of 4th Street and Green Street, as well as stop signs in the new portion of Brookdale. Commissioners also approved the purchase of new trucks, mowers and mowing equipment for Public Works, new rooftop replacements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and North Headworks, and a budgeted contract for concrete replacement of brick street transitions at nine intersections throughout the city. The intersections include 4th Street and R Street, 4th Street and T Street, 4th Street and Unity Street, 6th Street and Q Street, 8th Street and Riley Street, 12th Street and Atchison Street, 14th Street and Commercial Street, and two intersections at 8th Street and Kearney Street.
Commissioners also heard presentations about five different grant programs that the City will be applying for street and sidewalk/curb work over the next few months and gave guidance on how the ARPA Funds Committee should move forward.
The next regular city commission meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 22, in the commission room. The meeting was moved from Monday because Feb. 21 is President’s Day Holiday.