Tax sale properties may have current code violations
There are 11 properties currently listed in the 2019 Atchison County Tax Sale that have current code violations and mow assessments that will need to be addressed by prospective owners.
The tax sale is scheduled to take place at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 24, at the Atchison County Courthouse. Although a tax sale effectively wipes the slate clean on back taxes owed on a property, it does not resolve buyers of responsibility to bring the property up to minimum codes or recent mowing assessments.
Code issues on current tax sale-eligible properties include everything from cosmetic issues like paint and damaged windows, to fire damage, roof replacement and one is currently under a demolition order. Code issues aren’t limited to housing degradation, as any property with recent outstanding mow or abatement charges will be transferred to the new owner.
“The property that is under a demolition order has been inspected and it is probably unsalvageable,” Director of Administrative Services for the City of Atchison Joe Warren said. “Each of these listed properties are in various stages of code violations and it is up to the potential buyers to do their homework before the tax sale takes place.”
Warren also pointed out that property maintenance becomes the responsibility of the bidder when a property is bought at tax sale.
The lists of properties with current code violations and outstanding mow assessments is below. If a prospective buyer would like to know more about any code issues with current tax sale properties, they should contact City of Atchison Community Development at (913) 367-5560.