Two Appointed to Boards; Concrete/Brick Work Approved

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City Commissioners approved $87,000 worth of concrete and brick work as part of a light agenda during Monday’s regular meeting.

The concrete work includes $24,000 worth of curb and gutter replacement in the Westridge neighborhood, $31,400 worth of curb and sidewalk work along Main Street and $32,000 worth of brick repairs on Fourth and Commercial streets.

Commissioners also appointed Sherri Smith to serve a four-year term on the Community Corrections Advisory Board and Todd Dulac to fill an unexpired term on the Parks and Forestry Board that will run until July of 2024.

Commissioners also approved a CDBG grant agreement and an updated show cause hearing for the potential demolition of properties originally presented to the commission on January 18. That hearing was supposed to take place during Monday’s meeting but will instead be moved to April 18 to ensure proper notifications of property owners takes place.

Commissioners also heard a presentation about survey results from attendees of the Kansas Association of City/County Management conference that was in Atchison in December.

Following the meeting commissioners had a workshop to discuss vacant lots and what should be allowed on those lots in the future. Any potential changes to city ordinances related to vacant lots will be brought and discussed during a future regular meeting.

The next regular city commission meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 21, in the commission room.