Each week the Solid Waste Division provides special pick-ups for yard waste, tree limbs, bulky household items, and large appliances. Solid Waste customers can arrange for curbside pick-ups by calling 913-367-5561 or completing the fields below.
*All items must be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day to ensure pick-up.
Yard Waste & Tree Limbs
Yard Waste & Tree Limbs are scheduled for Tuesday collections. Arrangements should be made by 3:30 p.m. on Monday; otherwise, your pick-up will be scheduled for the following week. Yard Waste includes grass clippings, leaves, and other plant material. It does not include rocks, bricks, soil…etc. If bagged, yard waste must be placed in compostable paper bags. Hard sided containers not exceeding 35 gallons in capacity and/or 65 pounds in weight may also be used. Tree limbs must be less than four inches in diameter, and brush shall be secured in bundles up to four feet in length and eighteen inches in diameter. Each special pick-up is limited to eight cubic yards in volume. [8 CY = (50) 32-gal bags or (24) bundles of brush]
*Any solid waste including yard waste and brush that is placed on the curb by a hired contractor is not eligible for special pick-up.
Bulky Items & Large Appliances (White Goods)
Bulky Items and Large Appliances are scheduled for Thursday collections. Arrangements should be made by 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday; otherwise, your pick-up will be scheduled for the following week. Bulky items typically include televisions, furniture, mattresses, carpet…etc. Large appliances (white goods) typically include refrigerators, washers & dryers, air conditioners…etc. It does not include cardboard, regular trash (regardless of volume), liquids, or construction materials. Each special pick-up is limited to eight cubic yards in volume. For example, 8 CY equals (1) Double-Door Refrigerator + (1) Full Size Sofa + (1) Washing Machine + (1) Dryer + (1) Table & Chairs.
*Items containing freon (refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers…etc.) must be properly drained and tagged by a licensed technician.
* Denotes a required field