Park Improvements

2017 Jackson Park Master Plan

2019 Reisner Park Master Plan

The Parks division provides residents and visitors with 333 acres of clean, green parks and facilities throughout the community. With the skills of a small crew, Parks maintains 149 acres of park land as well as Oak Hill Cemetery, Amelia Earhart Airport, City Hall, the downtown mall, vacant lots, and highway rights-of-way.

In short, we ensure the curb appeal of public spaces in our community. Did you know that attractive curb appeal can improve your home’s value by up to 14%? Imagine what an attractive city does to our visitors’ first impressions and community pride!

Central to this mission is the ability to respond accurately and courteously to complaints and concerns of local residents relating to the services provided by the Parks division and its employees. You can reach the Parks division at 913-367-5561 for all non-reservation questions.

We accomplish our mission by:

  • Planting and maintaining public landscaping
  • Mulching and maintaining trails
  • Maintaining Park Shelters and other park facilities and equipment
  • Mowing, mowing, and more mowing

We also provide in-kind services to various Recreation Commission and school district facilities as well as the International Forest of Friendship, a beautiful arboretum adjacent to Warnock Lake.

Park Amenities

Plan your leisure time! … Check out these park amenities.

Rent Event Space

Rent a scenic park shelter for your next family gathering, reunion, wedding, birthday, or other special occasion. Contact us today at 913-367-5500 or visit the Navigate link to see options on event locations.

Mowing Map

The map below shows the various parks, public facilities, rights-of-way, watershed dams, etc… that our Parks Division regularly mows.