Contractor Finishes 2020 Concrete Project

 In ADA, City Projects, Featured News, General News, News, Pedestrian & Bicycle, Transportation

The concrete portion of the City’s 2020 Street Improvement Project, which included a series of improvements to curbs/gutters, sidewalks, and intersection transitions throughout the City of Atchison has reached substantial completion.

The most noticeable improvements are in the 6th and 7th Street corridors of midtown (Parallel to Mound). Those corridors now feature 13 new concrete intersection transitions from the north/south asphalt street to the east/west brick streets. The concrete intersection transitions are designed to make for a smoother ride for vehicles, a safer path for pedestrians, and better drainage for nearby curb inlets.

Atchison’s own Bottorff Construction completed the project after besting two other bidders to win the contract.