8th Street Reopens at Commercial

 In Featured News, Public Works News

Work on the 800 Commercial Streetscape Project has fully transitioned into Phase 2, meaning the 700 block of Commercial Street is completely open to through traffic, including north/south 8th Street at the Commercial Street intersection.

Phase 1 (shown in blue below) began in early February and wound up lasting about 4 weeks. The transition between phase 1 and phase 2 (shown in purple below) has just been completed and lasted just short of 3 weeks. Phase 2 (shown in red below) is well underway and should be fully completed by July 1, 2018.

Additional Project Information:

  • Although the 8th and Commercial intersection has been reopened, the 9th and Commercial intersection has now been closed. 9th and Commercial will remain closed while the new separated stormwater system is installed underground, which we expect to last about three weeks.
  • The entirety of the 800 block of Commercial will remain closed until the project has been completed.