“Do yuh hear that whistle down the line? I figure that it’s engine number forty nine, She’s the only one that’ll sound that way. On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe!”
~ Oscar-winning lyrics from The Harvey Girls (1945 MGM)
Welcome to Atchison! This town means a lot of different things to a lot of different folks … To some, we’re the birthplace of the world’s most famous aviatrix, Amelia Earhart. To others, we’re renowned for our pivotal railroad history. Some may think we’re legendary as the most haunted city in Kansas. Riverbend beauty, quaint shops, brick streets, historic mansions and homes. These are the things that give Atchison such a rich sense of place. Yet, to a lucky few, Atchison is simply “home.”
Atchison residents are proud of their long history and deep roots; many families have been here for generations and generations. Even so,we pride ourselves on being neighborly and welcoming anyone who’s as enthusiastic about this community as we are.