As an advisory board to the City Commission, the Planning Commission is tasked with reviewing the Comprehensive Plan annually. The board is also responsible for upholding the adopted Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations and holding planning and zoning hearings on special uses of non-conforming property and zoning changes. With the facilitation of the Community Development Director and staff, the Planning Commission reviews and approves plats, commercial site plans, and lot splits and forwards recommendations to the City Commission for final action. The Planning Commission is also the designated Building Code Board of Appeals (ORD. #6363).
Meets 1st Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the
City Commission Chambers.
Member Name | Term Expires |
Kenneth Heyda | 7/31/26 |
Roger Denton | 7/31/26 |
Alison Ternent | 7/31/27 |
Mark Harris (County Representative) | 7/31/27 |
Mike Stec, Chairman (County Representative) | 7/31/25 |
Derek Franklin | 7/31/25 |
Kathy Soph | 7/31/25 |
Application Forms
- Application for Change in Zoning
- Application for Conditional Use Permit (includes Home Occupations)
- Application for Temporary Use Permit
- Application for Variance before the Board of Zoning Appeals
- Application for Subdivision
Wait! … Before You Buy
Before making a commitment to purchase or lease business property it is important to verify that the zoning of the property is compatible with the planned use. Let us help you at (913) 367-5560.
The zoning of property can be easily determined if you can provide the legal description of the property [lot(s), block, and addition].
Public Meeting Policy
All meetings of the City Commission and its advisory boards, commissions, and committees are open, public meetings. In accordance with the Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA), all meetings will be announced publicly and an agenda available in a lawful timeframe prior to the meeting. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.
For more information on KOMA and KORA, visit the Kansas Attorney General’s website.
Get Involved
The success of local government ultimately depends on the willingness of well-informed, engaged individuals to step into leadership roles to help advise or guide policy on city goals, operations, and resources. Serving on an advisory committee is an excellent way to serve your community, become more involved and informed about your local government, and see if you’re interested in the commitment to serve as a Governing Body member.
To find out about opportunities to serve on city advisory boards, contact City Clerk at 913-367-5506.