2017 Small Transportation Projects
Summary: The CIP features a series of line items to address various transportation projects. Many of those line items have their own page on this site, but others are relatively small and are enlisted to manage a series of small projects throughout the year. The green column is 2016 and blue is 2017. Let’s go through the 2017 (blue) “Streets CIP” line by line:
- Mill & Overlay ($1,000,000)
- Roughly $1,000,000 every 3 years to fund a major streets investment. For 2017, these funds will be used for the 2017 Mill & Overlay Project.
- Curb & Sidewalk – City ($60,000)
- Used to fix sidewalks, curbs, and driveways at City parks, facilities, and throughout downtown. For 2017, most of these funds will be used for the 017 Mill & Overlay Project.
- Curb & Sidewalk – 50/50 Cost Share ($50,000 City, $50,000 Property Owners)
- Assistance to property owners for curb or sidewalk projects adjacent to their property. These funds will be used for the 2017 Curb/Sidewalk Cost Share Program.
- Sidewalk Corridor Program ($150,000)
- Funds set aside for large sidewalk projects. For 2017, these funds will be used as the City’s matchings funds for the AMS West Sidewalks Project
- Parking Lots & Alleys – City ($20,000)
- Used for maintaining parking lots and alleys throughout downtown. For 2017, these funds will be used for the 2017 Mill & Overlay Project.
- Alleyways – 50/50 Cost Share ($10,000)
- Assistance to property owners for curb or sidewalk projects adjacent to their property. Participation in this program from the public is rare.
- Brick Streets Repair ($20,000)
- Funding for brick street repair projects. For 2017, these funds will be used for the 2017 Mill & Overlay Project.
- Shared County Roads ($200,000)
- Funding for roads with shared maintenance responsibility between the City and the County. In 2017, this line item will fund the River Road Reconstruction Project.
In years that do not have a large mill and overlay project, many of these line items are utilized for small neighborhood improvement projects. In 2017, we’re hoping to take advantage of the economy of scale that comes with larger concrete and asphalt contracts. The smaller individual line item will still be spent on the same types of improvements, they’ll just be bid as part of the larger asphalt and concrete contracts.
Cost: Various
Funding: Various
Location: Various
Contractor: Various
Status: Various
Construction Start Date:Various
Completion Date: Various
- Concrete cutting to eliminate trip hazards.
- Concrete cutting to eliminate trip hazards.
- Concrete cutting to eliminate trip hazards.